Sound Shower
Framed with aluminum frame Sound Shower speakers are thin and light with great directionality. Sound Showers are our most popular speaker model. With over 20.000 installations globally, Sound Showers are world’s no.1 directional speaker.
Sound Showers are most suitable for spoken audio delivering a clear message even in very noisy environments with complicated echo.
Please visit for more information.
- Models: Passive with external amplifier, Active with integrated amplifier
- Sizes (in cm): Passive: 60×20, 60×60, 120×20, 180×20 Active: 60×60, 120×20
- Colors: Black and White
- Special models: Special sizes and colors available

Directional audio refers to speakers which can limit the width of a sound beam. With directional audio speakers the user can create limited areas with sound and quiet zones in between.

With traditional speakers the most common solution to all problems is often to play them louder. Humans will not react to sound volume but become numb very quickly to any sound level that maintains the same.
With directional audio the idea is to create changes in the volume levels around the area. To create a reaction in a person’s behavior, you need to create an environment where the sound levels vary and surprise the person with volume, content and direction.

A person can focus only to one audio source at a time. It is possible with directional audio to occupy a person’s interest to selected audio in a precise position, even make them stop and turn their head to a desired direction.

World is rarely completely quiet. There is almost always at least some humming or buzzing in the background.
This ambient noise has an important role in directional audio, masking the bounce and “improving” the directional effect.

Directional audio speakers compress the audio beam. When it becomes more narrow it will travel further. A firm directional audio beam will bounce like a ball or echo from all surfaces. The echo is harder from hard surfaces and softer from soft surfaces.
Often the bounce or echo will travel to the intended quiet zones creating doubt that the speaker does not work. However, the problem is often the bounce and not the speaker.